The Many Benefits of Resveratrol

Benefits of ResveratrolSirtuin or commonly called Sir-2 proteins have been shown to influence the process of aging, regulate transcription and programmed cell death in the body. According to a new study in Science Journal, scientists at Harvard Medical School found that resveratrol influenced the sirtuin protein directly by changing the shape of the protein in the cell. Additionally, the study also showed that, once resveratrol activated the sirtuin protein, there was an increased production of mitochondria which provided energy to the cell.

Resveratrol is natural phenol and phytoalexin (antimicrobial) that is produced by several plants when they are attacked by various bacteria and fungi. Resveratrol is naturally found in the skin of red grapes, blueberries, and eastern white pine. One of the richest sources of naturally occurring resveratrol is found in the weed, Polygonum cuspidatum, commonly known as Japanese knotweed. In addition to its natural occurrences, resveratrol is also found commonly in red wine, sprouted peanuts, and dark chocolate. Since the process of fermentation for red wine involves the grape skin, resveratrol is only found in red wine.

The uses of resveratrol range from cardiac to neurological protection. Drinking a moderate amount of red wine, which contains resveratrol, has been shown to reduce heart disease risk. Furthermore, resveratrol also reduced the symptoms of diabetes such as excessive water drinking and increased the frequency of urination. In human trials, resveratrol showed a decrease in blood glucose. Several recent studies performed at Weill Medical College of Cornell University have also reported a decreased plaque formation in the animal brain with resveratrol supplementation. The formation of plaque plays a role in Alzheimer’s dementia.

So how does resveratrol work that leads to a variety of health benefits? Resveratrol causes stimulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase that dilates blood vessels, inhibits platelets from sticking to each other and inhibits the peroxidation of LDL (low-density lipoproteins), which decreases LDL levels. Resveratrol is also effective against neuronal cell dysfunction and cell death that could be effective against Alzheimer’s disease. In regards to anti-aging benefits, resveratrol increases the activity of manganese superoxide which helps reduce mitochondrial dysfunction. The many benefits of this amazing natural product do not stop here. Resveratrol also interferes with cancer initiation and progression by modulating the activity of many cytokines (signaling molecules used for intracellular communications) and enzymes in the body.

Due to the many positive benefits of resveratrol, it has been chemically synthesized into nutritional supplements. In fact, one of the highest amounts of resveratrol is found in our new multivitamin formula, Salerno Ultra Daily Essentials. If you are looking for a supplement that will provide a complete health solution with the added benefits of resveratrol, make sure to look out for the Salerno Ultra Daily Essentials. One serving of polyphenol packed Salerno Ultra Daily Essentials, that contains 300mg of resveratrol, is equal to 198 bottles of wine!