SUPPLEMENT THERAPYSupplement therapy uses vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fibers, herbs,
antioxidants, fatty acids, and enzymes, to maintain, and restore various deficiencies.

Along with establishing a measure of quality, most supplements are generally offered in capsule, tablet, powder, liquid, chewable, and pastille formats for quick, easy, and effective dosing.

Each day your body draws upon nutrient reserves to heal itself, transmit brain signals, produce hormones, and rebuild important tissue systems. Besides the foods that you consume on a daily basis, supplement therapy can provide your body with the crucial elements it needs to help it stay strong, healthy, and optimally fit.

Step 1: Heavy metal challenge testing

Designed to reveal the total level of heavy metal toxicity stored in body tissue and organs over a life time

Step 2: Review your lab:

Review your in-depth lab work and create a personalized plan for improved metabolic health.

Step 3: Follow a physician :

Follow a physician supervised plan,doctor-supervised plan every five weeks.

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Supplement Therapy Uses:

Supplement Deficiency Root Causes

Testing Techniques

In addition to taking supplements, there are various blood tests that can provide accurate, detailed, and organized information indicating the presence of a deficiency.  And because each nutrient level is individually highlighted, supplemental therapy leaves no stone uncovered. Despite the fact that vitamins play a backseat to popular medications, the formulas carry few side-effects, are affordable, and most importantly – offer lasting results.

Supplement Therapy - Diet & Lifestyle Changes

  1. Eat organic, unrefined, low sugar foods as much as possible.
  2. Avoid all foods that are processed, and try to eliminate or reduce consumption of grains products.
  3. Drink at least 64 oz. of clean water a day. To maintain good health, make sure it is fresh from all impurities. In addition, try squeezing a lemon for digestion, flavor, and alkalizing purposes.
  4. If you are trying to absorb more from your supplement formulations, try increasing your consumption of high-quality organic sources of saturated fats such as butter, coconut oil, eggs, and animal proteins. In addition to vitamins being water soluble, there is a whole class of nutrients that are only absorbed in the presence of fat.
  5. Even though it is best to get all your vitamins from whole foods, a good multi-vitamin can prevent deficiencies, boost the immune system, and lend energy.
  6. Before you go out purchasing various supplements, make sure you avoid synthetic nutrients, binders, glazings, and unnecessary flowing agents (magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, flavorings).
  7. Besides quality, try to consider the potential for allergies, proper nutrient balance, vegetarian ingredients, absorbability, and long-term safety.
  8. Check to see if the vitamin meets GMP approval (good manufacturing process standards) and ISO 9001 certification.
  9. If the vitamin in conversation contains minerals, make sure they are chelated.