Along with establishing a measure of quality, most supplements are generally offered in capsule, tablet, powder, liquid, chewable, and pastille formats for quick, easy, and effective dosing.
Each day your body draws upon nutrient reserves to heal itself, transmit brain signals, produce hormones, and rebuild important tissue systems. Besides the foods that you consume on a daily basis, supplement therapy can provide your body with the crucial elements it needs to help it stay strong, healthy, and optimally fit.
Designed to reveal the total level of heavy metal toxicity stored in body tissue and organs over a life time
Review your in-depth lab work and create a personalized plan for improved metabolic health.
Follow a physician supervised plan,doctor-supervised plan every five weeks.
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Supplement Deficiency Root Causes
In addition to taking supplements, there are various blood tests that can provide accurate, detailed, and organized information indicating the presence of a deficiency. And because each nutrient level is individually highlighted, supplemental therapy leaves no stone uncovered. Despite the fact that vitamins play a backseat to popular medications, the formulas carry few side-effects, are affordable, and most importantly – offer lasting results.