NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ IV Therapy

Slim Factor

$67.00 USD

Chelation Therapy | The Salerno Center


$85.00 USD

Chelation Therapy | The Salerno Center 1


$45.00 USD

Chelation Therapy | The Salerno Center 1


$45.00 USD

Chelation Therapy | The Salerno Center 1


$45.00 USD

Chelation Therapy | The Salerno Center 1


$45.00 USD

What is NAD+?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is an essential coenzyme found in every cell of the body. It plays a crucial role in cellular energy production, particularly in the mitochondria, often referred to as the “powerhouse of the cell.” NAD+ is like the fuel that keeps our cellular engines running smoothly.

Why Consider NAD+ Therapy?

As we age, the natural production of NAD+ in our bodies decreases, leading to a decline in energy levels and vitality. By the time we reach 40, NAD+ levels can drop by up to 40%, contributing to the common signs of aging such as wrinkles, reduced mobility, mental fog, and fatigue.

Replenishing NAD+ levels through NAD+ IV therapy can boost cellular energy production, leading to increased vitality and a reduction in age-related symptoms.

How Does NAD+ IV Therapy Work?

NAD+ IV Therapy involves the direct infusion of NAD+ into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption. This method allows for an immediate and effective increase in NAD+ levels, enhancing cellular energy production and supporting overall health. The therapy is delivered through a slow drip process, typically lasting 2-3 hours, allowing the body to fully absorb and utilize the NAD+ for optimal benefits.

Benefits of NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ IV therapy offers numerous potential benefits, including:

  • Energy Boost: Enhance your energy levels by fueling your cellular powerhouses, the mitochondria.
  • Anti-Aging: Improve mitochondrial health to slow down the aging process, helping you maintain a youthful appearance and vitality.
  • Brain Health: Protect your neurons and support brain health for better mental clarity and cognitive function.
  • Longevity Support: Promote DNA repair and overall cellular health for a longer, healthier life.
  • Enjoy Better Mood and Less Anxiety: NAD+ supports brain health by enhancing cellular energy and reducing oxidative stress, which can lead to improved mood and reduced anxiety.

  • Support Detoxification of Toxins: NAD+ aids in the body’s natural detoxification processes by fueling the enzymes that break down harmful substances.

  • Improve Immunity to Get Sick Less Often: By boosting cellular repair and energy, NAD+ strengthens your immune system, helping your body fight off infections more effectively.

  • Reduce Inflammation for Longevity: NAD+ has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce chronic inflammation, promoting a longer, healthier life.

  • Sleep Better: Higher NAD+ levels support better sleep by regulating your circadian rhythm, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

NAD+ therapy can support various health conditions by boosting energy, protecting brain health, and promoting overall vitality. Consult a healthcare provider to see if it’s right for you.

Who Can Benefit from NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ therapy can be beneficial for a variety of health conditions and wellness goals. While it is not a cure, it can support overall health and well-being in the following situations:

Chronic Fatigue: Boosts energy by enhancing mitochondrial function, helping reduce fatigue and increase vitality.

Addiction Recovery: Supports brain health and neurotransmitter balance, aiding in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Neurodegenerative Disorders: Helps protect brain cells and improve cognitive function, benefiting conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Mental Health: Enhances mood and mental clarity, supporting those with depression, anxiety, or stress.

Age-Related Conditions: Promotes DNA repair and mitochondrial health to slow aging and support longevity.

Chronic Pain and Inflammation: May reduce inflammation and pain, offering relief for conditions like fibromyalgia.

Metabolic Disorders: Improves insulin sensitivity and supports metabolism, benefiting diabetes and obesity.

Immune System Support: Strengthens cellular repair and defense, boosting immunity and aiding recovery from illness.

Key Takeaway

NAD+ therapy can support various health conditions by boosting energy, protecting brain health, and promoting overall vitality. Consult a healthcare provider to see if it’s right for you.

When to Get NAD+ Infusion

Consider NAD+ infusion during these times to maximize its benefits:

  • Before and after travel to recover from jet lag.
  • Before a demanding workout to boost energy and performance.
  • During busy periods when you need to stay mentally and physically energized.
  • Before a big work event or presentation for enhanced mental sharpness.
  • When aiming to slow the aging process and support longevity.


Strengthens DNA Repair


Clears Brain Fog

Enhances Memory & Concentration

Healing Support

Addiction Recovery Support

Boosts Mental Clarity

Detox & Cleanse

Immune Support

Energy Boot

Sleep Support

Works Well With

B-Complex Vitamins

Booster Shot


Booster Shot

Vitamin B12

Booster Shot

Vitamin C

Booster Shot


Booster Shot

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