INFERTILITYInfertility, which is described as the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to
full term, is the result of many biological, physical, emotional, and reproductive disorders.

Couples who have not become pregnant after one year of intercourse, commonly referred to as primary infertility, is one type of infertility. The second category, otherwise known as secondary infertility, refers to couples who have been pregnant at least once, but never again. For men or women sufferring from infertility, the Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine will create an infertility treatment program for your specific needs.

Step 1: Heavy metal challenge testing

Designed to reveal the total level of heavy metal toxicity stored in body tissue and organs over a life time

Step 2: Review your lab:

Review your in-depth lab work and create a personalized plan for improved metabolic health.

Step 3: Follow a physician :

Follow a physician supervised plan,doctor-supervised plan every five weeks.

What is Thyroid Disease?

Although it is generally considered a female condition, infertility can be the result of either partner’s general wellbeing. Irregular periods, number of miscarriages, low sperm count, hormone levels, sexual dysfunction, and age are all contributing factors that affect one’s ability to conceive.
Despite the current outcome, there are countless safe, natural, and effective infertility treatments which can improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

Symptoms of infertility in women:

Symptoms of infertility in men:

Infertility Testing Techniques

Apart from all the various causes listed above, there are many precise infertility lab tests available once a complete health evaluation is done, which can help normalize fertilization, stabilize ovulation, and provide insightful education and counseling tools. Even though each case is deeply rooted in the physical, it is important to discuss the emotional impact infertility has on you and your partner.  Meanwhile, a high-quality diet, engaging exercise plan, and positive lifestyle changes are all great ways of increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant.

Infertility Root Causes (Men)

Infertility Root Causes (Woman)

Infertility Treatment - Diet & Lifestyle Changes

  1. Eat organic, unrefined, low sugar foods as much as possible.
  2. Remove all processed foods; white flour, sodas, high glycemic foods, condiments, various sweeteners, and pastas.
  3. If you haven’t tried natural supplements, consider taking a broad spectrum antioxidant formula (anthocyanins, beta-carotene, flavonoids, alpha lipoic acid, lutein, lycopene, selenium, and vitamins C and E), a multivitamin, and an essential fatty acid product such as fish oil. Keep in mind; make sure it is tested for heavy metals (molecularly distilled).
  4. Minimize all exposure to toxins, and avoid plastics, alcohol consumption, excessive coffee drinking, smoking, air fresheners, and chemical cleaning agents. Go green!
  5. If you are experiencing job stress, create a more relaxed environment, hold meetings outside, and promote healthy work relationships through personalized conversations.
  6. It can be really hard to focus on fertility when you are experiencing finance, relationship, and family problems, which are why it’s important to take a vacation, reserve a family day, maintain a healthy hobby, and work on self-motivational skills.
  7. In order to correct insulin resistance, consider an appropriate workout plan and diet strategy.
  8. Due to the mind-body connection, make sure you consider the feelings, emotions, and stress levels you experience throughout the day as a contributing health factor.
  9. Avoid all foods that are processed, and try to eliminate or reduce consumption of grains products.
  10. Drink at least 64 oz. of clean water a day. To maintain good health, make sure it is fresh from all impurities. In addition, try squeezing a lemon for digestion, flavor, and alkalizing purposes.
  11. If you are trying to absorb more vitamins, try increasing your consumption of high quality organic sources of saturated fats such as butter, coconut oil, eggs, and animal proteins.
  12. Since what you breathe is an important factor in your health, try installing an air purifier that combines an ionizer, electrostatic, carbon, and HEPA-grade filter technology without producing external ozone.
  13. In order to be fertile, make sure to eliminate exposure to all toxic chemicals, including ovotoxicants, endocrine disruptor’s, pthalates, VCH chemicals (rubber tires, plastics), pesticides, bisphenols, and PAH (cigarettes, car fumes, road tar).
  14. Avoid dangerous trans-fats (dohnuts, cookies, biscuits, candy, pies).
  15. If possible, try to reduce all animal-derived estrogenic foods, which contain hormones such as (prolactin, growth hormone, estrogens, insulin, somatostatin, oxytocin, progesterone, and much more).
  16. If you believe you may have a food allergy, please get tested as they have a direct effect on sperm antibodies and embryo.
  17. In addition, check for STD’s, as infections such as Chlamydia can result in sperm abnormalities and blocked tubes in women.