DIGESTIVE PROBLEMSDigestion, which is actually a very complex sequence of
chemical reactions, starts as soon as it touches your mouth.

The digestive system, which is responsible for most of the body’s immune system, is critical for protecting against foreign invaders, fighting infections, and maintaining nutrient balance. Whenever an individual eats food, their body’s digestive system starts the arduous process of assimilation. From the very instant you begin chewing, the salivary glands, teeth, and tongue work in glorious harmony. But what if something goes wrong along the way? No matter what type of digestive problem you may have, The Salerno Center is fully prepared to lead a comprehensive digestive problem treatment program designed around your needs

Symptoms of Digestive Problems

Types of Digestive Problems

  • Acid reflux – Needed for proper digestion, stomach acid is an essential ingredient required to breakdown food. But when the enzyme rich juices reach beyond the esophageal sphincter, it can lead to scarring, difficulty swallowing, and an increased risk of developing cancer. If left untreated, individuals will experience asthma, chest pain, hoarseness, regurgitation, dental erosion, and heartburn.
  • Crohn’s disease – Affecting every part of the gastrointestinal tract and striking at any age, Crohn’s disease causes chronic, high-grade inflammation. The lining of the colon is critical for optimum health, so any long-term damage may lead to malabsorption, rectal bleeding, frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, cramps, loss of appetite, and in children – delayed growth.
  • Peptic Ulcer – Ulcers are painful sores in the lining of the stomach and small intestine. Lack of digestive fluids, good bacteria, frequent alcohol consumption, and prolonged use of certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory’s (NSAIDs) and even coated aspirin, may all result in the development of constant gnawing pain. In fact, one specific bacterium linked to inflammatory changes of the bowel, Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori), is resistant to even stomach acid, but eradication is necessary for a potential recovery effort. Even though symptoms vary from person to person, individuals may experience burning pain in middle or upper stomach area, bloating, dark or black stools, weight loss, and vomiting.
  • Gallstone – Found just under the liver, the gallbladder stores bile. If the gallbladder does not evacuate properly or cholesterol and calcium build up, gallstones may form. If a blockage in one of the ducts occurs, an individual may experience a fever, chills, back pain, pain in the right-hand side of the body, sweating, restlessness, and yellowing of the eyes. If there is no symptoms, the individual may have no idea he or she is even a carrier.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome – Similar to Crohn’s but without the inflammation, IBS sufferers go through alternating bouts of diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, spasms, nausea, and bloating. Commonly unrecognized and oftentimes misdiagnosed, IBS affects the bowel muscles, and it increases the potential for painful food triggers and sensitivities.  Treatment includes diet, lifestyle, and natural supplement changes.
  • Constipation – Painful, infrequent, and oftentimes frustrating, constipation affects bowel regularity. In addition to difficulty eliminating, chronic constipation can cause constant straining, hardening of the stool, and a swollen abdomen. Seen as more of a bowel disorder, constipation causes may include stress, inadequate water intake, lack of healthy fiber, excessive dairy consumption, hypothyroidism, medication, eating disorders, overuse of laxatives, and depression.