ALLERGY TREATMENTAn allergy, which is an immune system disorder,
is caused by the reaction to substances in our environment (allergen).

Once an allergic response matures, the body begins activating white blood cells, mast cells, and basophils causing harmful and sometimes dangerous levels of inflammation. Like environmental allergies, reactions to what we eat and drink plays an important role in the health of our bodies too. If an allergic response is observed or suspected during an evaluation, a variety of blood tests can be applied to identify the origins, level of severity, and further allergy treatment strategies.

Step 1: Heavy metal challenge testing

Designed to reveal the total level of heavy metal toxicity stored in body tissue and organs over a life time

Step 2: Review your lab:

Review your in-depth lab work and create a personalized plan for improved metabolic health.

Step 3: Follow a physician :

Follow a physician supervised plan,doctor-supervised plan every five weeks.

What is Thyroid Disease?

Once an allergic response matures, the body begins activating white blood cells, mast cells, and basophils causing harmful and sometimes dangerous levels of inflammation. Like environmental allergies, reactions to what we eat and drink plays an important role in the health of our bodies too. If an allergic response is observed or suspected during an evaluation, a variety of blood tests can be applied to identify the origins, level of severity, and further allergy treatment strategies.

Symptoms of Allergies:

Allergy Root Causes

Allergy Testing Techniques

Although drug therapies have their rightful place in medicine, most harbor undesirable side effects and are very costly. However, there are more natural solutions that provide long-term relief during this difficult transition period; dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle changes are effective, along with therapies such as an elimination diet, IGE testing, and personal environmental adjustments. And because our advanced allergy testing allows you not to be exposed to the allergen, there’s no risk of having a negative reaction.

Allergy Treatment
Diet & Lifestyle Changes

  1. Eat organic, unrefined food, low sugar foods.
  2. Avoid all foods that are processed and try to eliminate or reduce consumption of grains products.
  3. Drink at least 64 oz. of clean water a day. To maintain good health, make sure it is fresh from all impurities.
  4. Use a centralized vacuum cleaning system to reduce dust in the house.
  5. Frequently clean furnace filters, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and vaporizes to prevent the accumulation of mold.
  6. If you’re looking for something natural, try using a neti pot, which uses a saline solution that helps drain the sinuses.
  7. Use an electric fan to enhance air circulation in tight spaces.
  8. Wash your hands if you have a pet that’s been outside.
  9. In order to avoid cross-contamination, check food labels for hidden additives, flavorings, and coloring.
  10. In order to reduce inflammation, try increasing your Omega-3 fatty acid intake.
  11. Instead of reaching for medication, reach for a bottle of probiotics. According to studies, people who took probiotics had lower levels of related antibodies.
  12. Quercetin, an antioxidant water-soluble nutrient that has anti-histamine properties, is a great addition to any allergy-fighting protocol.
  13. Avoid chlorinated pools and hot tubs.