RHEUMATOID ARTHRITISAn Autoimmune Disease, rheumatoid arthritis is a type of
inflammatory arthritis that attacks healthy tissue and, in this case, joints.

The immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body against viruses, foreign invaders, and bacteria, goes viral. Unable to distinguish between bad or good, the immune system begins attacking friendly tissue and, in this case – healthy joints. As fluid begins to build up and cartilage is slowly worn away, it causes debilitating pain, decreased range of motion, and swelling. Depending on the individual and severity of symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis causes increased spikes of inflammation, known as flares, which switch back and forth into remission. And because it is systemic, rheumatoid arthritis has the ability to spread throughout the entire body. In order to avoid further joint and organ damage, early diagnosis and prevention are key. No matter how occasional or persistent your problem is, The Salerno Center can create a rheumatoid arthritis treatment program designed around your needs.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Root Causes

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Diet & Lifestyle Changes

  1. Eat organic, unrefined, low sugar foods. Normalizing insulin levels is an important step in reducing inflammation and joint pain.
  2. Get lots of rest and establish healthy sleeping patterns.
  3. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and other illegal drug use.
  4. If you are not getting enough vitamin D, make sure you get your levels assessed. Consider natural sunlight, an oral vitamin D supplement, or a safe tanning bed solution.
  5. In order to get the right fatty acid balance, make sure you are getting enough healthy fats in your diet, such as organic, grass-fed meats, cheeses, fish, and butter. Avoid highly oxidized oils such as trans-fats, soy, canola, and corn oils, which lead to a build-up of inflammation, cellular disruption, and unwanted cardiac complications.
  6. Consider taking a full-spectrum probiotic supplement for gut integrity and overall bacteria balance.
  7. To reduce the inflammation in the joints, take a high- quality omega-3 fish oil supplement. Make sure it has been molecularly distilled and tested for any toxins.
  8. Regular exercise is helpful for reducing stress and flare-ups.