The Salerno Center For Complementary Medicine

Lifestyle Choices and Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimers Disease DietAlzheimer’s disease, the 6th leading cause of death in the United States, affects cognitive function, thinking, and decision making. However, groundbreaking new research, coupled with other natural lifestyle interventions, is showing promising inhibitory effects.

According to recent study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, individuals who received lifestyle coaching showed improved mental function. Through executive function and speed tests, Dr. Miia Kivipelto, a leading researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, oversaw 1,260 older subjects who were at risk of developing the disease.

Based on their age, education, and health profile, the randomly assigned group was split into two parts. In group one, individuals were given nutritional advice, an exercise trainer, and a nurse or physician who gave medical assistance and instruction, plus a social support system. And for the second group, participants received health care, but did not receive the social or intervention elements.

Over the course of the 2-year study, researchers noticed a clear improvement with the multi-step approach.

Even though it can be a bit of a challenge, creating a lifestyle, action plan, is necessary. Reinforced behavior plays a strong role, but so does motivation, which is why socializing with other like-minded exercisers, go-getter’s, and health lovers is so important to the overall success of the program.

With an early start, the right foods, and a strong network of friends and family, individuals can prevent Alzheimer’s disease from impacting their daily lives and lead a healthy, memory-filled future for years to come.

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